Harahap, Dessy Purnamasari
Kajian Perbedaan Antara Design Mix Formula, Job Mix Formula Dan Trial Mix Lapis Aus Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC – WC) Pada Preservasi Rehabilitasi Jalan Air Hitam Sta : 4 + 600 S/d 4 + 675 Pekanbaru Riau 2018 – 2019.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
The design of paved mixtures is a very important factor in the asphalt manufacturing process. When the implementation of Trial Mix and JMF on an actual scale in AMP and direct exposure in the field using compaction tools often occur changes and differences in the gradation of aggregate mixtures and marshall values with laboratory DMF results. The goal of the study was to determine the difference in the total gradation of aggregate mixtures and marshall value differences in DMF, Trial Mix, and JMF. The methods used in this study are secondary data analysis methods in the form of laboratory DMF data, AMP Mix Trial and Trial Mix Paving and JMF based on Bina Marga General Specification 2010 Revision 3 (three). The difference in the total gradation of JMF aggregate mixture to DMF value in a 19 mm filter obtained the same result of 100%, up on the filter 12.5 to 4.75 mm, down on the filter 2.36 to 0.150 mm, and up again at the filter 0.075 mm. While in the Trial Mix against DMF in the 19 mm filter there was a decrease in the total gradation of the aggregate mixture, rising on the filter 12.5 to 4.75 mm, down back on the filter 2.36 to 0.150 mm, and up again at the filter 0.075 mm. The difference in marshall yield at optimum asphalt levels is 5.8% DMF, Trial Mix and JMF. Based on VIM, trial mix is the highest VIM value of 4.00%. VMA value, DMF is the highest VMAs at 15.60%. Vfb, DMF is the highest VFB value of 76.65%. Stability Value, DMF is the highest stability 1,592 Kg. Flowvalue, DMF is the highest flow of 3.7%. The value of MQ, Trial Mix is the highest MQ of 433.1 Kg/mm. VIM PRD value, DMF is the highest VIM PRD of 2.49%. And the results of Trial Mix with variations of compaction tracks in the field, namely 12, 14 and 16 tracks that meet the General Specification of Bina Marga in 2010 Revision 3 (three) is on 1 passing tandem roller - 16 passing PTR - 1 passing tandem roller namely Job Standart Density (JSD) At least 98% obtained 98.8%. From the results of the analysis can be concluded DMF, Trial mix, and JMF there is a difference in the total gradation value of the aggregate mixture and marshall value caused by the implementation process and calibration of tools on cold bin openings, hot bin openings, and heat scales, but the differences that occur still meet the General Specification of Bina Marga Year 2010 Revision 3 (three).
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