Widodo, Tri Satrio
Studi Awal Penggunaan Pati Kentang Sebagai Aditf Untuk Fluid Loss Control Agent Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Rheology Lumpur Pemboran.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
One function of drilling mud is designed to reduce fluid loss in formation. A fluid loss control agent is an additive added to the drilling mud formulation to reduce fluid loss. Various polymers have been used as additives to control fluid loss. Starch is a type of natural polymer. The use of starch can reduce fluid loss. Making cassava starch is washed with water and mashed and then filtered. The filtered water is deposited for 6 hours, after that it is dried in the sun to dry and do a sieve analysis with a size of 200 mesh. Then corn starch is mixed with mud with a composition of 2.5 gram, 4.5 gram, 6.5 gram, 8.5 gram and 10 grams to determine the filtrate volumeand the thickness of the mud cake. Testing of filtration loss and mud cake is done by using an LPLT (Low Pressure Low Temperature) by placing a measuring cup to accommodate the volume of filtrate that exits for 30 minutes, and thick mud cake on the filter paper that has been installed on the LPLT device. In testing mud rheology such as viscosity using a Marsh Funnel, while the yield point, plastic viscosity and gel strength using the Fann VG Meter. The results showed that the filtration loss obtained was 6.7 – 4.8 ml and the mud cake thickness was 1.55 - 1.35 mm, viskositas 22,4 – 28,8 second, plastic viscosity 5 – 10 cp, yield point 13 – 17 lb/100 ft², dan gel strength 0,2 – 0,5 lb/100 ft². Then addition of starch mass to the mud can reduce filtration loss, mud cake thinckness, and vice versa with the addition of a larger starch mass it will increase the rheology value of the mud (viscosity, yield point, plastic viscosity, and gel strength).
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