Armansyah, Bakti
Analisis Pressure Drop Akibat Terjadinya Friction Dengan Persamaan Bernoulli Dengan Aliran Pipa Sumur Gas Lapangan PNN.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Pressure drop is a term used to describe the pressure drop from 1 (one) point in the system (eg flow in a pipe) to another point in lower pressure. The occurrence of pressure drop in the flow pipe is affected by several parameters including the type of pipe connection, bends, valves, diffusers and other components installed in the piping system. The fluid flowing in the pipe experiences friction along the flow pipe and the pipe diameter. This study aims to determine the effect of friction on pressure drop and to compare the actual pressure drop with the pressure drop calculated by the Bernoulli equation. Bernoulli's equation is an equation in fluid mechanics which states in fluid flow, and an increase in fluid velocity will cause a decrease in pressure in the flow. Based on the results of the calculations have been done in which the results in the PUT-2 well have a friction factor of 1.68 and a pressure drop of 151.25 Psi. In the PNN-D9D well, the friction factor value was 4.7 and the pressure drop value was 41.06 Psi. The type of flow from the two wells is a laminar flow where the Reynold number of the two wells is below 2300. The speed of gas flow greatly affects the pressure drop compared to the friction factor. The higher the gas flow rate, the higher the pressure drop that occurs. In the PUT-2 well, back pressure occurs because the pressure in the separator is greater than the pressure obtained from the calculation using pressure drop. The pressure drop that occurs in the PNN-D9D well does not significantly affect the gas flow rate. Therefore, the gas condition can flow freely because the separator pressure is still far below the pressure calculated from the wellhead pressure minus the pressure drop.
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