Taufikurrahman, Taufikurrahman
Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Permukiman Kawasan Sungai Siak Di Kota Pekanbaru.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
City Population growth is continuous and is still relatively high, spatial serious consequences for the life of the city, that their guidance will be a continuous space is also to be used as a shelter. This phenomenon can be seen from the increasing number of physical development in Pekanbaru, very prominent of these developments ranging from housing, shophouses and buildings. Physical development is certainly going to continue to reduce the area of land in the area of the sungai Siak Pekanbaru particularly useful land to preserve environmental balance with development. The level of development of settlements that are not in accordance with the land use would cause negative impacts that cause long-term losses as a natural disaster. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of settlement land suitability sungai siak area in the city of Pekanbaru. The point of this research is research with a quantitative approach. Where the procedure starting from the formation of basic theory in determining the suitability of land settlement, then define the criteria which need to be investigated and conditions that support the other. The criteria used in this study as many as seven criteria. The method used in this study is overlaid by utilizing the software ArcGIS The results of this study can be seen that the physical condition of the Sungai Siak district in the city of Pekanbaru in general are at height 1-10 meters (mdpl) above sea level to the level of 0-2% slope or flat enough there throughout the District in the of riparian Sungai Siak Pekanbaru City. With the level of settlement land suitability S2 (corresponding) 2,18%, S3 (corresponding marginal) 87,47% and N1 (not appropriate now) 10,35% an area of 300 meters from the right and left along the Sungai Siak in Pekanbaru city. Importance briefing settlement construction area of land which has suitability for designation as residential areas in order to achieve ecological balance in spatial planning and direction of settlements in the city of Pekanbaru.
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