Fanny, Septia
Analisis Efektivitas Implementasi Program Perumahan Bersubsidi Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Tenayan Raya).
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Population growth continues to increase resulting in demand for houses that are not balanced with the availability of houses causing a shortage of houses (backlog). High housing prices create obstacles for low income people (MBR) in realizing the dream of buying a home. Therefore, housing is needed for the community, especially for low income people (MBR) and ensures that low income people really have an effective purchasing power to buy a house. The one million housing construction program launched by the government in early 2015 through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) in collaboration with housing developers and financial institutions (banks). The housing developed under this program is type 36 housing with a set selling price for 2018 of Rp. 130.000.000, - ( Keputusan Menteri PUPR No.348/KPTS/M/ 2015 ). But ironically, among the houses in the subsidized housing area, there are still houses whose owners are in the middle to upper category and those that have not been used for occupancy are actually reinvested by their owners. This research aims to determine the extent of the effectiveness of the subsidized housing pro gram that has been carried out to equalize the needs of houses or residences for low income people (MBR) in Tenayan Raya District , Pekanbaru City. This is in accordance with the development plan of the District of Tenayan Raya which is designated as a resi dential area. The research approach used is quantitative approach supported by primary data in the form of questionnaires, interviews, and field observations, as well as secondary data in the form of document review and literature review. The effectiveness calculation is done by measuring the Likert scale based on the effectiveness criteria. According to the interview results to answer the government’s role variable, it was found that several local government roles in the implementation of the subsidized housing program for low income people (MBR), namely the granting of permits, the provision of PSU, the provision of Land Banking, and the determination of zoning. Based on the results of the calcuation of the effectiveness of the subsidized housing program as a whole tha indicators that are used as measuring instruments obtained 80,04% 80% results show effective results. This results means that the program has been running effectively when seen from the overall indicators and response of the MBR which is the subsidized home owner, but when viewed again there is still one indicator, namely th at the exiating infrastructure must still be monitored so that it can be implemented optimally from the government and the housing developer.
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