Bentar, Bentar
Partisipasi Masyarakatdalampengembangan Pariwisatapantai Solop, Desa Pulau Cawan, Kecamatan Mandah, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Solop Beach is a leading tourist destination in Indragiri Hilir Regency, precisely in PulauCawan Village, Mandah Regency. The condition of Solop Beach is still very quiet and underdeveloped, because there are still shortages of facilities in the Solop Beach area and a lack of interest from the community to participate in the development of Solop Beach tourism. Because of the lack of public knowledge about tourism, as well as the skills or abilities of the local community in developing tourism are still lacking.The purpose of this study is 1. To find out the form of community participation in Pantai Solop, 2. To determine the level of participation of Solop coastal communities and 3. To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of solop beach community participation. Analyze using quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this study are a form of community participation obtained the highest result is community participation in the form of energy, with a score of 41.3%. form of community participation in the form of ideas / thoughts with a score of 36.6%. As a form of public participation in the form of low money with a score of 31.40%. Then the form of public participation in the form of art value is 30.5%. And the form of public participation in the form of property includes a low category with a score of 29.7%, and a form of community participation in the form of handicrafts classified as low with a score of 26.9%. And for the level of community participation is classified as low with a score of 32.7%, while for the supporting factors of community participation the most influential factor is the age factor with a score of 40.3%, the government leadership factor with a score of 39.9%, while the relatively low factor is personal will factor with a score of 35.3%, education level factor with a score of 33.2% and income factor 33.2%. While the inhibiting factors are low income with a score of 69.5%, lack of awareness with a score of 65.7%, low educational factors 63.8% and a lack of knowledge with a score of 61.3%. As for the factor of lack of opportunity to participate with a score of 33.7%.
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