Fernanda, Ridho
Analisis Penambahan Additive CMC Dari Kulit Durian Terhadap Filtration Loss Dan Rheology Lumpur Pemboran.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Mud circulation is an important factor during the drilling process. One problem that continues to occur during drilling operations is filtration loss. To deal with this problem, one of the methods used is to add the Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) additive. Lumpur that uses additive mixture as CMC that is useful for viscosifiers and filtrate reducer is a chemical type which is quite expensive, therefore CMC used in this final project utilizes quite a lot of natural ingredients in Indonesia, one of which is durian skin. Durian skin is an underutilized organic waste. Due to the hard and fibrous structure of durian skin, it is very potential to be processed into CMC. Durian skin has a high cellulose content (50-60%), lignin (5%) and starch (5%). Making CMC durian skin by Delignification, Bleacing-Puling, Alkali, Mercerization, Neutralization, and sieve. Then mixed with mud and tested plastic viscosity, yield point, gel strength, filtrate volume with mass 2,3,4,5,6 gram. Filtration loss testing is carried out using a Low Pressure Low Temperature (LPLT) rheology test such as plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength using a Fann VG Meter. On the testing that has been done, result rheology of mud with CMC durian skin obtained density of 8.5 - 8.65 ppg, yield point with mass 2gr-6gr of 7-10 lb/100ft2, plastic viscosity with mass 2gr-6gr of 7.5 - 10 cp, gel strength with mass 2gr-6gr of 0.5 ° - 0.6 °, the filtrate volume is 8.7-7.1 ml. The increase in mass will reduce the filtration loss and vice versa with the addition will increase the value of plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strength.
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