Hutabarat, Doli Chandra
Revitalisasi Kawasan Bersejarah Pada Daerah Tepi Air Di Kecamatan Mempura Kabupaten Siak.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Mempura District is a cultural landscape area that features Dutch colonial government buildings, has many historical heritages and many historic buildings that still show their original characteristics. The Mempura area currently tends to suffer damage and there is still very little attention from the Government. That caused some buildings whose physical form was damaged, and the color of the paint on the walls that had faded. So it takes the implementation of the revitalization of historic areas, including directed as a cultural tourism area. The purpose of this study was to identify how the characteristics of the historic area in the District of Mempura in Siak Regency and then what are the supporting and inhibiting factors in revitalizing the historic area in the District of Mempura in Siak Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method. And the next stage was an interview with the relevant department and the local community and conducted observations in the study area. The results of this study are that the Mempura Region has historical value with the existence of Dutch colonial heritage buildings that are already eligible for revitalization and development, such as: the Dutch Tangsi Building, the Siak Controlluer House, and the Landraad House in the region. And also identify the characteristics of historic areas through physical characteristics, non-physical characteristics, social characteristics, economic characteristics and environmental characteristics, then find out supporting and inhibiting factors in revitalizing known in terms of 1) historic buildings, 2) areas, 3) government policies, 4 ) the role of the community and 5) funding / budget. Therefore, the revitalization program at Mempura Zone is very suitable to be carried out and then developed into a sustainable cultural tourism area.
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