Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Pada Pembalakan Liar Di Selat Panjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti (studi Di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Barat)

Juliyanti, Juliyanti (2021) Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Pada Pembalakan Liar Di Selat Panjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti (studi Di Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Barat). Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

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This study aims to determine the implementation of supervision of the Environment and Forestry Service on Illegal Logging in the Long Strait of Meranti Islands Regency. The problem raised in this study is about illegal logging of forests carried out by irresponsible persons. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of s upervision by the environmental and forestry services on illegal logging in the long strait of Meranti Kepulaun district (study in the western high cliff district). In conducting this research, the researcher used a descriptive survey type, with a mixed ty pe of research, where this type of research combines tables and analysis of interview results. The indicators of this study are, (1) Standard Setting, (2) Determination of Activity Implementation Measurement, (3) Measurement of Activity Implementation, (4) Comparison of Implementation with Standards and Analysis of Deviation, (5) Taking Corrections When Needed. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is Sugiyono theory. Based on this analysis technique, the researcher assesses and concludes that the imp lementation of supervision of the Department of Environment and Forestry against Illegal Logging in the Long Strait has not gone well, where on the basis of the research carried out the results of the research fall into the Sufficiently Implemented categor y, on the grounds of the fact that logging is still found forest by irresponsible persons.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
SponsorAndry, HendryUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Supervision, Environmental Service, Illegal Logging
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: > Administrasi Publik
Depositing User: Mia
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 09:35
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 09:35

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