Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Dengan Stimulasi Chemical Beserta Kajian Keekonomian Terhadap Kelayakan Project di Sumur MY8 PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Field Limau

Savitri, Maya Agidya (2019) Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Dengan Stimulasi Chemical Beserta Kajian Keekonomian Terhadap Kelayakan Project di Sumur MY8 PT. Pertamina EP Asset 2 Field Limau. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

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MY8 well is one of the well that located at M3 layer, structure M, on Limau field that located in Prabumulih city, South Sumatera. MY8 well first production is at 2012 with total oil 400 bbl/d and with 5% watercut value. On december 2016 MY8 well income has been decreased with total production until 5 bbl/d and with 95% watercut value. Initial oil in place at M3 layer is 62,532 MMSTB. Cumulative production until December 2015 reach until 14,031 MMSTB that mean Initial Oil In Place at M3 layer is still considerable. Special Core Analysis (SCAL) results shown M3 layer have oil wet wettability so that affect on result of oil production. Based on the above then does stimulation of chemical modifier reservoir, with hope stimulation that had been started will increase the result of oil production. Before starting the stimulation implement process begins, the selection of formulation and the amount of volume reservoir modifier are carried out. The selection of chemical formulas must be done based on the results of the phase behavior phase test, spontaneous imbibition test, and viscosity mix test that tested in laboratories. After the stimulation process is carried out, the production and MY8 well watercut will be monitored. From these results the economich is analyzed based on the parameters NPV, IRR, POT and B / C, to determine whether this project is feasible or not. The results show that the chemical formula is suitable to be applied to MY8 wells is S14A * where the maximum oil recovery in the spontaneous imbibition test is 26.86% during the 3-day soaking period with 130,9 bbl of chemical being injected. From the results of monitoring it is known that the increase in oil production which initially 5 bbl/d became 75 bbl/d with a decrease in watercut by 3% from an average of 95% to 92%. From the analysis of economic calculations obtained the results of the chemical injection project NPV parameter at 10% is positive, namely 215.193,84 USD, IRR>MARR which is worth 166,96%> 10%, with POT or return time for 2,96 months from 12 months project life so this project is feasible to be applied to MY8 wells or for other well candidates.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Chemical Stimulation, Mix Viscosity test, Imbibition Test, Production Monitoring.
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: > Teknik Perminyakan
Depositing User: Mia
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2019 09:14
Last Modified: 09 Apr 2019 09:57
URI: http://repository.uir.ac.id/id/eprint/1258

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