Akibat Hukum Atas Keterlambatan Pekerjaan Yang Dilaksanakan CV. Muara Eza Sakti Terhadap PT. Mustika Andalas Sejahtera Dalam Pembangunan Rumah Type 54 Diperumahan Villa Ilhami Asri Pekanbaru Yang Tidak Sesuai Dengan Kontrak

Arvandi, Febri (2019) Akibat Hukum Atas Keterlambatan Pekerjaan Yang Dilaksanakan CV. Muara Eza Sakti Terhadap PT. Mustika Andalas Sejahtera Dalam Pembangunan Rumah Type 54 Diperumahan Villa Ilhami Asri Pekanbaru Yang Tidak Sesuai Dengan Kontrak. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

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Delay in work is an act that violates the rule of law between an agreement made by both parties which between the two parties performs work that is not in accordance with the contract that has been agreed, and in this case there is an aggrieved party, for example between laborers and employers , the disadvantage is found here by the employer, because the laborer cannot complete the work made by the employer, running away from the problems listed in the title of the author, which is said here as the employer is the party of the developer as being harmed and the worker here is the party from the contractor as a party who cannot complete work that is not in accordance with the contract / agreement agreed upon. The main problem in this research is How the Agreement Made By PT. Mustika Andalas Sejahtera With CV. Muara Eza Sakti in the Construction of Type 54 Houses in Ilhami Asri Villa, Pekanbaru. The method used in this study is the type of Observation Research by means of surveys using data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires. The nature of this research is descriptive, namely research that describes and explains the reality in the field related to the implementation of the agreement made by PT. Mustika Andalas Sejahtera with CV. Muara Eza Sakti in the construction of type 54 houses in the beautiful ilhami villa Pekanbaru. The results of this study, that the implementation of the agreement carried out by PT. Mustika Andalas Sejahtera with CV. Muara Eza Sakti in the construction of type 54 houses in the villa ilhami asri Pekanbaru, because the implementation of the agreement was carried out with both parties between the developer and the contractor where the agreement was made in writing, and agreed upon, in the implementation of this agreement the contractor was given 4 calendar months. by the developer. Then the factors that hinder delays in the work carried out by the contractor that is explained by the party from the contractor himself is the weather factor, because in the construction of houses, especially the temperature of the land to be built on it is very important and affect how the quality of the existing foundation on the house.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
SponsorAdmiral, AdmiralUNSPECIFIED
SponsorRahdiyansyah, RahdiyansyahUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Mohamad Habib Junaidi
Date Deposited: 29 Mar 2022 10:27
Last Modified: 29 Mar 2022 10:27
URI: http://repository.uir.ac.id/id/eprint/9700

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