Azi, Hasril Fauzul
Studi Laboratorium Analisis Pengaruh Caco3 Pada Lumpur Oil Base Mud Dan Water Base Mud Untuk Mengontrol Filtration Loss.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
Loss of mud liquid in the formation will cause losses because the filtrate that enters the formation can form a reduced permeability zone so that the production rate becomes lower, Water based mud at depths approaching 17,000 ft with a reservoir temperature of 2040C will cause evaporation and increase viscosity, while oil based mud is resistant to high temperatures, by using one additive, CaCO3 which can reduce the possibility of formation damage by forming filters cake and low permeability (optimum thickness) at high temperatures. In this study, testing was carried out on water base mud and oil base mud at temperatures of 77℉, 122 ℉, 122 ℉, 167 ℉, 212 ℉ to determine the effect of additive calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on filtration loss, where CaCO3 mud was mixed with standard mud with CaCO3 composition 2 grams and tested at temperatures of 77 ℉, 122 ℉, 167 ℉, 212 ℉. Then to find out the filtrate volume and thickness of the mud cake, the filtration loss and mud cake tests were carried out using a LPLT (Low Pressure Low Temperature) tool for 30 minutes. The results showed that the filtration loss obtained in mud that did not use CaCO3 in the Oil Base Mud slurry at 77 ℉ obtained a volume of filtrate 5 ml and in mud containing CaCO3 the filtrate volume was 4 ml. As for the Water Base Mud that does not use the additive CaCO3 at temperature 77 ℉ the volume of the filtrate 7.5 ml and the mud containing CaCO3 in the filtrate volume 6.5 ml. this shows that the use of CaCO3 in standard mud is very influential on water base mud and oil base mud compared to standard mud that does not use CaCO3 additives, this is because the use of CaCO3 additives can reduce fluid loss
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