Ramadhani, Suci
Perbandingan Keekonomian Pekerjaan Water Shut Off Pada Sumur X Berdasarkan Kontrak Bagi Hasil PSC Konvensional Dan PSC Gross Split.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
The problem that occurs in well X is the high water cut value that prevents the oil production of the well. To reduce high water production and increase oil production in the well, various methods can be used, one of which is water shut off method to reduce excessive well production. It is necessary some information from the field in the form of well data which is secondary data for this research as well as several other sources as a reference that can then be evaluated the economics of water shut off work using Conventional PSC and PSC Gross Split production sharing contracts in well X. By using production estimates in well X based on the formula of decline curve analysis, then the required and resulting cash flow is calculated which is the cost of investment, operating cost, and production cost of the work of the water shut off. And it can be compared based on production sharing contracts (PSC) Conventional PSC scheme and Gross Split PSC, because the government gives access for companies to choose the contract to used. So to get the cash flow of water shut off based on the economist indicators on the calculation results it is known that the Conventional PSC scheme is more profitable for contractors on water shut off, with results of the economic indicatos getting a value of NPV=704 MUS$, IRR=1119%, and POT=29 days. While in the Gross Split PSC contract scheme the value of NPV=279 MUS$, IRR=458% and POT=65 days. From the calculation of sensitivity analysis it is known that the oil price and production of well X which greatly affects the profit of this project, the greater the oil price and production will be the greater the profit gained, but conversely if the oil price and production are decreased then the project get suffer losses.
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