Sulisno, Sulisno
Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan Berbasis ABCD (Asset Based Community Developmet) Di Kecamatan Rambah Samo Kabupaten Rokan Hulu.
Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.
The development of an agropolitan area needs to get people's attention in the concept of developing an agropolitan area in the long term. The development of an agropolitan area that is developed through community participation can be one of the locomotives of the regional economy. The low level of community participation in the development of agropolitan areas, especially local assets in Rambah Samo District, is a problem that must be resolved with the right method. The purpose of this research is a strategy to apply the concept of ABCD (Aset Based Communication Development) to community participation in the development of agropolitan areas in Rambah Samo District. To analyze the strategy using the SWOT analysis method and applied to the concept of ABCD (Asset Based Comunnity Development). The conclusion of this study is that the level of community participation in the development of an agropolitan area in Rambah Samo District is in the category of lack of participation, 80% of the people who say they have never participated in the development of an agropolitan area. The ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) application model for Community Participation in the Development of Agropolitan Areas in Rambah Samo District, Rokan Hulu Regency which can maximize agricultural potential (natural resources) in the local area, improve and build facilities and infrastructure to support agropolitan development activities, can increase socio-economic community and can develop the independence of the community. The ABCD method is applied in 4 steps, namely, Discovery, Dream, Design and Define
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