Kontribusi Power Otot Tungkai Terhadap Kemampuan Tendangan Depan Atlet Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate Cabang Indragiri Hulu Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

Sari, Ayu Adelia (2019) Kontribusi Power Otot Tungkai Terhadap Kemampuan Tendangan Depan Atlet Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate Cabang Indragiri Hulu Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.


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This research was conducted to find out whether there was a contribution of limb muscle power to the ability of the front kick of Pencak Silat athletes of the loyal brotherhood of the heart of Terate in the Indragiri Hulu branch of Seberida subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu regency. The form of this research is correlation research. The samples in this study were pencak silat athletes, the Faithful Brotherhood of Terate, Indragiri Hulu branch of 16 athletes. The instruments carried out in this study were Vertical jump tests and front kick tests towards the target. Then the data is processed with statistics, with the distribution formula t to find out the significance or no relationship to the significance level of 0.05α. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a Contribution of Leg Muscle Power to the Ability of the Front Kick of Pencak Silat Athletes of Loyal Heart of Terate Brotherhood, Indragiri Hulu Branch, Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that there is a contribution of limb muscle power to the ability of the front kick of Pencak Silat athletes in the loyal brotherhood of Terate in the Indragiri Hulu branch of Seberida subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu district. Where obtained r-table = 0.497 and r-count = -0,300. With a contribution of 9%.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Power of Leg Muscles and Front Kick Ability
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Divisions: > Penjaskesrek
Depositing User: Mohamad Habib Junaidi
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2022 10:17
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2022 10:17
URI: http://repository.uir.ac.id/id/eprint/7713

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