Analisis Gaya Bahasa Yang Terdapat Pada Lirik Lagu Jikustik Dalam Album Seribu Tahun

Rahayu, Rizki (2019) Analisis Gaya Bahasa Yang Terdapat Pada Lirik Lagu Jikustik Dalam Album Seribu Tahun. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.


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Analysis of Language Styles that Are in the Lyrics of a Thousand Year Album Jikustik Song The style of language in a literary work has an important function because it determines the badness of the language used. Therefore, an author must be able to use interesting language in expressing his ideas. In the Jikoustic song lyrics there are interesting words for the writer to review based on the language style. The problem examined in this study is what are the language styles contained in the thousand-year album Jikustik song lyrics. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and find the style of language found in the Thousand Year album Jikustik song lyrics. The theory that the author uses in this discussion is Pradopo's theory (2007), Sudjiman (1993: 13), Hamidy (2001), Tarigan (2009), Keraf (2006). The data of this study the author took from the lyrics of the Jikustik song which totaled 10 song titles on the Thousand Year album. This study uses descriptive methods and qualitative approaches. The technique of collecting data used is documentation and hermeneutics (read, note and conclude). Data analysis techniques begin by identifying words that contain language style, classifying or grouping in table form, analyzing the style of language found based on Tarigan's theory, finally after the data is identified, classified, and analyzed after conclusions can be drawn based on the data that has been obtained. Based on the results of the data analysis conducted, there are 4 groups of linguistic styles in the lyrics of the Jikustik songs, namely comparative language styles, opposing language styles, link language styles and repetition language styles. The language styles contained in the song lyrics on the Thousand Year album by Jikustik are 47 language styles which consist of 4 parables, 7 metaphors, 6 personifications, 12 hyperboles, 2 litotes, 4 anatrophies, 4 epithets, 4 epizeukis, and 4 anaphora. The most dominant language styles are hyperbole and the fewest litotes.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Language style, song lyrics, Thousand Year Album Jikustik.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: > Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Depositing User: Mohamad Habib Junaidi
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2022 08:24
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2022 08:24

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