Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Di Badan Pengelola Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah (BPKAD) Provinsi Riau (Studi Pada Bidang Kepegawaian Dan Umum)

Suryadi, Annisa Rickastari (2021) Analisis Kinerja Pegawai Di Badan Pengelola Keuangan Dan Aset Daerah (BPKAD) Provinsi Riau (Studi Pada Bidang Kepegawaian Dan Umum). Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.


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The purpose of this working paper is to find out how the Performance Analysis of Employees in the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Riau Province (Study on Staffing and General Sector), in order to create the performance of employees who are responsible and carry out the tasks assigned according to their main duties and each responsibilities. The method used in making this working paper is descriptive and observational methods. Descriptive method means that the investigation through the description of the state of the subject or object in the study can be in the form of people, institutions, communities and others based on the facts that appear or what they are. Observation method is direct observation to the field by interviewing sources and documenting the results of the data obtained. Based on the analysis and observations made, it can be seen that at the Riau Province BPKAD Office, the performance of employees staffing and general sector is good because the process of directing the leadership to employee performance is carried out properly. The results of the analysis show that the Riau Province BPKAD Office has improved the quality of employee performance.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: employee performance, briefing
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: > Administrasi Perkantoran
Administrasi Perkantoran
Depositing User: Febby Amelia
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2022 10:26
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 10:26

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