Tindak Tutur Ekspresif Pada Kolom Komentar Youtube Rocky Gerung “Gubernur Ntt Bikin Heboh, Perintahkan Siswa SMA Masuk Jam 5 Pagi. Salah Paham Dunia Pendidikan”

Syafendra, Nabilah and Fatmawati, Fatmawati (2023) Tindak Tutur Ekspresif Pada Kolom Komentar Youtube Rocky Gerung “Gubernur Ntt Bikin Heboh, Perintahkan Siswa SMA Masuk Jam 5 Pagi. Salah Paham Dunia Pendidikan”. Literasi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, 13 (2). pp. 550-568. ISSN 2549-2594

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16. Tindak Tutur Ekspresif Pada Kolom Komentar Youtube Rocky Gerung “Gubernur Ntt Bikin Heboh.pdf - Published Version

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The tendency of someone to express expressive speech on social media is the background in this study. Many users express themselves by commenting on someone's account video uploads. This study aims to find out and understand the forms of expressive speech acts in the comments column on Rocky Gerung's Youtube entitled “The Governor of NTT Makes a Scene, Orders High School Students to Enter at 5 in the Morning. Misunderstanding of the World of Education”. The theory used in this study is the combined theory of Searle, Nadar, Leech, and Tarigan. Furthermore, the approach used is a qualitative approach with content analysis method. In this study, the source of the data was a comment on Rocky Gerung's Youtube "The Governor of NTT Makes a scene, Orders High School Students to Enter at 5 in the Morning. Misunderstanding of the World of Education”. The data used are expressive speech acts contained in the comments. Data collection techniques used are observing, documenting, and taking notes. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the Burhan Bungin analysis technique. Based on the results of the study, 156 utterances were found which were identified as expressive speech acts. The dominant speech acts found were expressive speech acts of blaming because the policies set were contradictory so that people expressed their psychological attitudes in the form of blaming comments, while the speech acts that were not found from the results of the analysis were expressive speech acts of interrupting, welcoming, forgiving, condolences, and accusing. The analysis also found new data findings, namely: contempt, support, expressions of disappointment, surprise, and sadness, as well as found several non-literal speech acts with the utterances spoken.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: pragmatics, speech act, expressive
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
K Law > K Law (General)

P Language and Literature > P Philology. Linguistics
Divisions: > Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Depositing User: Mia
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2025 07:43
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2025 07:43
URI: http://repository.uir.ac.id/id/eprint/24222

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