Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Bagi Hasil Tanah Pertanian Di Lubuk Alai Kecamatan Kapur IX Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat

Fransiska, Kory (2019) Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Bagi Hasil Tanah Pertanian Di Lubuk Alai Kecamatan Kapur IX Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Sumatera Barat. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.


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Agreement on Production Sharing of Agricultural Land in Lubuk Alai, Kapur District IX generally still used by the community in Lubuk Alai District Kapur IX Regency of Fifty Cities of West Sumatra. Form of agreement for agricultural products of the people there call it the term mampadui / for the duo which means half the landowners and half-made cultivators for dry land on the plant a year, in carrying out agreement for hasih community farming land in Lubuk Alai only based on trust / oral. In the Implementation of the Agreement to Share Agricultural Products in Lubuk Alai Kapur IX sub-district is implemented based on the local Customary Law system, because there is no awareness / do not know by Law Number 2 Year 1960 concerning Production Sharing Agreements. Then in making agreements only based on the approval of the land ownership with the cultivator and carried out accordingly verbal and with mutual trust between the parties. the agreement the share of agricultural land because landowners are unable to cultivate the land because of certain things so that the tenants accept the job offer in order to meet the needs economy. Constraints in the Implementation of the Agricultural Production Sharing Agreement in Lubuk Alai, Kapur IX District, Fifty Cities in Sumatra, West Sumatra does not soften what is already in the 2-year Law of the Minister 1960 concerning Production Sharing Agreements, namely: a. People's ignorance of Law No. 2 of 1960 regarding Production Sharing Agreements. b. The level of education is relatively low. c. Cultural factors inherent in society. The purpose of the research is the implementation of agricultural land for agriculture is to find out how to implement, the promised object and control - in the implementation of the agreement for the agricultural land. The research method used in this study is by type field observatory research research conducted in a survey, i.e. use interviews. The nature of this research is descriptive, namely giving An overview of the process of implementing the agreement for the sharing of land agriculture in Lubuk Alai, Kapur IX District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This study uses primary data and secondary data.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: K Law > K Law (General)
K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions: > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Mohamad Habib Junaidi
Date Deposited: 09 Mar 2022 10:15
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2022 10:15

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