Pengaruh Bokashi Daun Nangka Dan POC Limbah Kelapa Muda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Serta Produksi Tanaman Terung Ungu (Solanum Melongena L)

Kristanti, Titin (2022) Pengaruh Bokashi Daun Nangka Dan POC Limbah Kelapa Muda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Serta Produksi Tanaman Terung Ungu (Solanum Melongena L). Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

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This study aims to determine the interaction and main effect of jackfruit leaf bokashi and young coconut waste on the growth and production of purple eggplant. The study was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Riau, for 4 months from July to October 2021. The study used a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of two factors, the first factor was jackfruit leaf bokashi (N) consisting of 4 levels are 0, 125, 250 and 375 g/polybag and the second factor is young coconut waste (S) which consists of 4 levels, namely 0, 300, 600, and 900 ml/plant. Parameters observed were plant height, age of flowering, age of harvest, number of fruit planted, weight of fruit planted, weight of fruit per fruit, and number of fruit residues. The data were statistically analyzed and continued with BNJ level 5%. The results showed that the interaction of jackfruit leaf bokashi and coconut coir waste had a significant effect on plant height, harvest age, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant, fruit weight per fruit and number of fruit residues. , with the best treatment of jackfruit leaf bokashi 375 g/polybag and young coconut waste 900 ml/plant. The main effect of giving jackfruit leaf bokashi was real on all observation parameters with the best treatment of jackfruit leaf bokashi 375 g/polybag. The main effect of giving young coconut waste was real on all observation parameters with the best treatment of young coconut waste 900 ml/plant.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
SponsorSutriana, SelviaUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: > Agroteknologi
Depositing User: Luthfi Pratama ST
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2023 02:26
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2023 02:26

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