Pengaruh Proses Penuaan Akibat Rendaman Air Gambut Terhadap Durabilitas Campuran Ac-WC Berdasarkan Uji Cantabro

Harahap, Amal Risky (2020) Pengaruh Proses Penuaan Akibat Rendaman Air Gambut Terhadap Durabilitas Campuran Ac-WC Berdasarkan Uji Cantabro. Masters thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

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The Puddle of water as peat water on the flexible surface accelerates disintegration and causes damage. Water and air can accelerate the aging process in flexural hardening. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the aging process due to immersion in peat water, mineral water, and rainwater on the durability of the AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course) mixture penetration of 60/70 based on the Cantabro test and the factors causing the aging process. The research method is laboratory testing with research stages started from the design of the asphalt concrete mixture, determining the value of the optimum asphalt content, testing the Long term oven aging (LTOA) asphalt concrete in the oven for 5 days at 85°C, testing the chemical elements of peat water, rainwater, and mineral water. Soak the asphalt concrete with peat water, rainwater, and mineral water for 0, 1, 2, 4, and 7 days. Then the Cantabro Loss test used a Los Angeles machine for 300 turns and Marshall test against the Cantabro specimen to determine the durability value. The highest aging duration of immersion is 7 days with CL (Cantabro Loss) value of 23.6% peat water immersion, 20.1% rainwater, and 17.7% mineral water. The lowest stability value of peat water immersion is 1805 kg, mineral water 1922 kg. The First Durability Index (FDI) value of peat water immersion was 37%, rainwater 32%, and mineral water 28%. The Second Durabilty (SDI) value of peat water immersion is 34%, rainwater 30% and mineral water 25%. The element of chemical reaction that causes long-term aging (LTOA) is the asphaltenes oxidation reaction due to the increase in the element of oxygen which removes nitrogen (N) and Alkyl (R) chains. The chemical reaction elements that cause aging due to peat water, namely organic substances affect the pH value depending on the number of lignin compounds. Lignin produces H ions which can accelerate aging. The pH value of peat water is 3, rainwater is 5.3, and mineral water is 7. The Na value of peat water is 78.81 mg /l, rainwater is 0.284 mg/l, and mineral water is 0.568 mg/l. The Fe value of peat water is 0.47 mg/l, rainwater is 0.0054 mg/l, and mineral water is <0.0040 mg/l. the value of organic matter for peat water is 148.52 mg/l, rainwater is 1.75 mg/l, and mineral water is <0.1093 mg/l. temperature and immersion time can be varied to obtain details of the effects of aging.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
SponsorWiyono, SugengUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aging, Durability, Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course, Cantabro Test, Marshall Test, Chemical elements of peat water.
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: > Teknik Sipil S.2
Depositing User: Budi Santoso S.E
Date Deposited: 20 Sep 2022 08:38
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2022 08:38

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